Tag: hotel

Eventi, Offerte di primavera - 8 Marzo 2021
Offerta di Pasqua ad Assisi

Offerta di Pasqua ad Assisi

Il sogno di essere altrove. A un passo da casa scopri una regione ricca di fascino, l’Umbria.

Non categorizzato - 25 Gennaio 2021


Assisi è una cittadina umbra in provincia di Perugia, rimasta medioevale, intatta per secoli. Essa e ancora protetta da una robusta cinta muraria – che

Non categorizzato - 25 Gennaio 2021


Bevagna, città della Valle Umbra in provincia di Perugia, con circa 5000 abitanti, dista dal capoluogo umbro 35 km e 148 da Roma. Decentrata

Non categorizzato - 25 Gennaio 2021
How to prepare for the start of your vacation.

How to prepare for the start of your vacation.

There’s the whole Buddhist thing about the essence of a bowl being its emptiness—that’s why it’s useful. Its emptiness allows it to hold something. I guess that means that design must talk about something else. If you make design about design, you’re just stacking…

Non categorizzato - 25 Gennaio 2021
Hurry up to get a ticket for a Mediterranean trip on a cruise ship.

Hurry up to get a ticket for a Mediterranean trip on a cruise ship.

There’s the whole Buddhist thing about the essence of a bowl being its emptiness—that’s why it’s useful. Its emptiness allows it to hold something. I guess that means that design must talk about something else. If you make design about design, you’re just stacking…

Non categorizzato - 6 Gennaio 2021
The beginning of a new fall season at low prices.

The beginning of a new fall season at low prices.

There’s the whole Buddhist thing about the essence of a bowl being its emptiness—that’s why it’s useful. Its emptiness allows it to hold something. I guess that means that design must talk about something else. If you make design about design, you’re just stacking…